In case you haven’t heard, Fedex will discontinue the use of their old API used by Lanham’s E-Ship module for Fedex Integration. The date that the old API will be discontinued will be May of 2012. While that’s still a couple of months out, it may be worthwhile to plan an upgrade of E-Ship so youRead more
Improvements Having made a big deal about how bad the current RDLC for Dynamics NAV 2009 (Navision 6.0) has lead me to numerous disucssions with Claus Lundstrøm. For those of you who doesn’t know, Claus is the main guy behind the new reporting tool in Navision. He blogs regularly at the Dynamics NAV Team BlogRead more
If you haven’t heard already, Amazon Web Service AKA Amazon Cloud, has been down since around 1AM on April 11th, 2011. I wrote an article about my reservations of having the heart of my business outsourced somewhere in the post here. Imagine if your company decided to have your solution hosted with Amazon Cloud. You’dRead more
Overview The ERP software business is a very competitive business. If the software company does not devote a lot of their resources into research and development of the product, it becomes outdates very quickly. Therefore, when choosing to purchase an asset that is the lifeblood of your organization, it’s very important to not just considerRead more
Ever wondered why there’s no tutorial on how to create a Sales Order report from scratch in the RDLC? The reason is because it takes a LONG TIME! Even for an experienced developer, it takes a long time. As I previously mentioned on my article, Microsoft really needs to address this in future versions. TheRead more
Working with the new RDLC reporting for a few months now after the NAV2009 release, I thought I would like it as I work with it more. Sad to say, that hasn’t happened yet. It’s like being in a bad relationship and hoping some day that it’ll magically get better. And from the general consensusRead more
It’s the dawn of a new year and if you’re still reading this blog, congratulations! Why? Because you’re still in business after going through the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression. So hats off to you and thank you for keeping our economy afloat by doing what you do! I have to say thatRead more
The New Hope: The new requirement for the MPN (Microsoft Partner Network) have many small partners (including myself) start questioning whether Microsoft cares about them at all. It seems like the new requirements are designed to have one specific interest in mind: to get rid of small partners. From a business perspective (meaning the perspectiveRead more
This is an overview of my experiences at Directions US 2010. Again, Directions US 2010 is THE place to be at if you’re interested in learning any new for Dynamics NAV (Navision). The biggest difference that I noticed on this conference is Microsoft’s presence. But the biggest presence is not about showcasing the latest technology,Read more
For some reason unfamiliar to me, Microsoft likes to write tutorials that does not easily teach you what you need to do to get the job done. For basic List type reports, yes, it’s quick and simple, however, when it comes to reports involving forms (i.e. sales order, sales invoice, etc), I cannot find aRead more