Freight Container Receiving Management

Create container records and configure them to match your bill of lading from multiple purchase orders.

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Item Restriction

Control which products can be sold to which customers so you will not break any agreement to your customer base or vendor contracts.

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Sales Commission based on Cash Receipt

Calculate sales commission based on the cash received based on the order total or based on individual items

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Chinese Language Pack


View Business Central with Traditional Chinese or Simplified Chinese Language.

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Progress payments invoicing

Invoice prepayment amounts based on the progress of the order. Easily make changes to the order as needed without being blocked

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Installment payment terms

Setup different payment plans for your customers

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Serial number by bin on bin contents

Look at the serial numbers that are within a bin when you go to the Bin Contents page

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Daily Invoicing Report with G/L breakdown

Enhance your financial reporting capabilities and provide detailed insights into your daily invoicing activities

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Inventory Aging Report

Run an aging report of your inventory and their valuation within your warehouse
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MDP Inventory Bin and Cycle Count Management

Allows for easy cycle counting of inventory per bin.

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MDP Warehouse Picking & Put-Away

Utilize your mobile device in the warehouse for picking and put-away.

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MDP Shipping Planner

Allows the warehouse manager to easily plan outgoing shipments.

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MDP Production Time Entry

Allows real time capture of the shopfloor production activity.

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PSR Production Module

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