The standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central purchase receipt functionality works fine when your vendor sends shipments based on your purchase order. 

However, when you place orders overseas, your vendors will often ship a single item from multiple purchase orders that you placed. Using standard Business Central receiving function, you will need to do multiple receives on multiple purchase orders.  

There’s a better way! 

With the Freight Container Receiving Management from AP Commerce, you can create a container record and configure it to match your bill of lading from multiple purchase orders!  


Plans & Pricing

Monthly Plan
$1/month per user
Minimum Users: 168


  • Build your container from lines from multiple purchase orders
  • Easily create an invoice an item charges from the container
  • Receive items based on the bill of lading from the container
  • Keep track of the items that are in the container received for the warehouse to post receipts against
  • Works with or without warehouse receipts enabled
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