Overview I mentioned In my previous article that there are multiple ways of setting up warehouse management. In reality, however, there really are two ways: there’s the option of setting up your warehouse with Directed Pick and Put-away…and the wrong way. In almost all companies where bin location management (or warehouse management using wireless scanners)Read more
Overview Dynamics 365 Business Central (formerly known as Dynamics NAV) is a comprehensive ERP system. As such, it has many features that caters the different needs of businesses, for example, manufacturing, service managment, CRM, distribution, etc. Each one of these functional areas can be configured a number of ways depending on the needs of theRead more
Overview Having worked with Dynamics 365 Business Central (Dynamics NAV) for years, one of the biggest concerns I have when working with clients is receiving a really big Excel file with a message saying “my numbers don’t match! Please match it up for me!” While I always love a good challenge on solving complex problems,Read more
Overview So, you’ve decided to switch to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and finished the hard work of development, migration, and training. Now you’re ready to go live, right? But, I’ll bet there’s one thing you’ve unknowingly neglected. That’s testing the new software. After the implementer tells you that they’re done with the development andRead more
Overview While working with companies on ERP implementation (in our case, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central), what I tend to notice more often than not is that companies know what they want to get out of ERPs, but not how to do it. The result is that managers create their own chaos that makes peopleRead more
Overview A continuation of an article published last time. This is another one of the biggest causes of the owners/management causing the demise of their own ERP projects. Going Parallel Most proponents will state that going parallel is the safest way to ensure that if the new system doesn’t work, you can safely go backRead more
Setting Unrealistic Live Dates Overview Typically in an implementation, there will be a lot of moving parts. A lot of things has to go right for a successful implementation. If any of the key tasks don’t go right, no matter how small the task is, will cause havoc or delays for a company trying toRead more
Overview Just a friendly reminder (or reminder for myself) that in order to get the Idle Client Time to work properly. Make sure you change the Keep Alive Interval to something greater than Idle Client Timeout. If you set the Idle Client Timeout to something LESS THAN Keep Alive Interval, the client will not disconnectRead more
Overview Not all customers uses Office 365 as their e-mail. The other popular option companies use is G Suite from Google. When you’re trying to setup the SMTP Mail using Gmail accounts in G Suite, you may encounter this error: The mail system returned the following error: “Failure sending mail. Unable to read data fromRead more
Overview Even though we’re at the age of the internet, a lot of companies still print hard copy catalogs. If you work in any one of these organizations, you’ll know when it’s catalog season, it’s becomes a very stressful period in that the company has to put together all of their item attributes, pricing, description,Read more