Author Archives: Alex Chow

Entering Beginning Inventory Balance in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Overview When moving from a legacy system into Dynamics 365 Business Central, one of the areas you want to try and avoid is messing with the inventory G/L accounts. Most systems are usually pretty good with open A/R (Accounts Receivable) and A/P (Accounts Payable) accounts, they can be transferred using the “posting back to theRead more

Implementing Dynamics 365 Business Central through a 3rd party Consultant

Overview As we dive into the world of Dynamics 365 Business Central implementations, let’s not beat around the bush: the technical side of things, as complex as it may seem, is rarely the real challenge. Dynamics 365 Business Central boasts a swift implementation process and enviable customization options, making it a darling among small toRead more

Accounting Cost vs. True Cost – Analyzing Costing in Business Central

Overview In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (formerly Dynamics NAV), when doing costing and profitability analysis, you need to differentiate between a transaction’s True Cost and Accounting Cost. These terms will not appear on any official documentation or manuals, I made them up for a lack of better terms. To better explain the difference betweenRead more

Misconceptions about Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Navision) Implementation

It’s the dawn of a new year and if you’re still reading this blog, congratulations! Why? Because you’re still in business after going through the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression. So hats off to you and thank you for keeping our economy afloat by doing what you do! I have to say thatRead more

Small Partners and the new MPN Requirements

The New Hope: The new requirement for the MPN (Microsoft Partner Network) have many small partners (including myself) start questioning whether Microsoft cares about them at all. It seems like the new requirements are designed to have one specific interest in mind: to get rid of small partners. From a business perspective (meaning the perspectiveRead more

Recap of Directions US 2010 for Dynamics NAV (Navision)

This is an overview of my experiences at Directions US 2010. Again, Directions US 2010 is THE place to be at if you’re interested in learning any new for Dynamics NAV (Navision). The biggest difference that I noticed on this conference is Microsoft’s presence. But the biggest presence is not about showcasing the latest technology,Read more

How to Define SetData and GetData in RTC Reports in Dynamics NAV Navision

For some reason unfamiliar to me, Microsoft likes to write tutorials that does not easily teach you what you need to do to get the job done. For basic List type reports, yes, it’s quick and simple, however, when it comes to reports involving forms (i.e. sales order, sales invoice, etc), I cannot find aRead more

Be Current or Not Current on the Microsoft Annual Enhancement Plan

Since Microsoft announced the new Business Ready Enhancement Plan Renewal Policy, talks about whether the customer should stay current has increased significantly. At 16% of your total software list price, it’s potentially a sizable recurring investment for companies using the software. Not just specifically to Microsoft, almost all ERP, CRM, business software out there requiresRead more