When you turn on Directed Pick and Put-away to enable Warehouse Management in Dynamics NAV and you use multiple units of measure (this applies to WHM users using only 1 unit of measure as well), there will be some instances where the Quantity and Quantity (Base) will not match. This will result in the quantities in the Item Ledger be different than the Warehouse Entry.
The problem was first discovered in version 5.0 and is still a problem in NAV2013 R2.
If you want to enable Directed Pick and Put-away, you will need add this fix in the code.
Table 7302
WhseActivLine.SETRANGE(“Variant Code”,”Variant Code”);
WhseActivLine.SETRANGE(“Unit of Measure Code”,”Unit of Measure Code”);
//WHM Fix – Begin
WhseActivLine.SETRANGE(“Action Type”,WhseActivLine.”Action Type”::Place);
//WHM Fix – End
COPYFILTER(“Lot No. Filter”,WhseActivLine.”Lot No.”);
In addition, you have to modify this codeunit marked in bold:
Codeunit 7313
//WHM Fix – Begin
IF (BinContent.”Max. Qty.” <> 0) AND
(BinContent.”Max. Qty.” * BinContent.”Qty. per Unit of Measure” >= BinContentQtyBase * BinContent.”Qty. per Unit of Measure”)
//WHM Fix – End
Special thanks to Brian Rocatis for the fix.
Thanks for that Alex. In CU7313 (2013R2) should a change also be made underneath the IF where the variable QtyToPutAwayBase is being assigned. Regards, Gareth.
Probably. Put it in and test it out. The code I’m using is based off of the older version that I know works.